Empowers Silent Voices
Working Toward a Brighter Future
Who We Are
Our Roots
Our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly in the actions of our initiatives. From the moment we started our work in 1997, we understood that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to launch DeafRISE in 2023. We strive to make a positive change in all of our pursuits and make the change for our communities a healthy move that have profound impact on making life meaningful for each individual.
In the News
Stay in the Know
Interview with DeafRise Co-Founders
Let's take time to meet Xgamil and Martha and get to know them and how they arrived on this path in their journey.
DeafRise: Dedication and Service with Proven Impact
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Lessons Learned: The Key to Non-Profit Program Evaluation
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